ROSE – Floribunda Roses
Cluster roses
Cluster roses (or Floribunda roses as they used to be known) provide some of the most colourful, healthy and reliable roses for garden display and indoor decoration. Almost all cultivars are recurrent and will repeat flower in around forty five days if trimmed back as each flowering is finished. The flowers come in clusters and are quite spectacular when several of the same colour are massed together.
More even development of the flowering cluster maybe obtained by removing the main centre bud when it first starts to show colour, this will result in the rest of the cluster nor-mally opening together and more evenly. Height is variable between cultivars so some re-search is needed if planting any amount together. Planting space between bushes should be between 75cm and one metre.
Cathedral City | Brilliant orange red with dark green to red foliage |
Europeana | Fragrant deep crimson blooms with dark foliage. |
Evelyn Fison | Fragrant deep red blooms with green foliage. |
Marlena | Crimson red blooms and attractive yellow stamens. Low growing plant. |
Moulin Rouge | Fragrant scarlet red blooms and upright growth. |
Yellow / Cream

Cluster flowered rose Friesia
Orangeade | Fragrant clear orange blooms. Upright growth. |
Orange Silk | Fragrant orange vermilion. Tall grower. |
Warrior | Fragrant orange red. Low grower. |
Interesting and a little different

Cluster rose Julia’s Rose
Julia’s Rose | Coffee fawn shading to brown. Low grower. |
Hot Chocolate | Fragrant rich orange red blooms shading into brown, different every day. |
Victoriana | Fragrant salmon blooms with wavy petals and tinges of grey and pink. Low grower. |
Vesper | Fragrant apricot brown blooms. A low grower. |
Thornless roses
Where space is restricted and there may be danger of passers-by being hooked on thorny climbers, then consider planting a thornless rose. These are sometimes not easily found, but are worth looking for.
Crépuscule Noisette 1904 | Repeat flowering climbing rose, fragrant apricot blooms. |
Climbing Pinkie | A modern polyantha rose which repeat flowers. |
Honorine de Brabant Bourbon | Has few thorns, striped pale pink to dark pink flowers, with a main flush in mid-summer but seldom out of flower. Sometimes grown as a small climber. |
Madame Plantier Alba 1835 | Can be grown as a large shrub or trained as a climber. It flowers once only in spring when it has very large clusters of white perfumed flowers. |
Kathleen Harrop Bourbon 1919 | Fragrant pale pink blooms in spring. Suited to climbing on a frame or arch, rather than against a wall, where black spot may be a problem. |
Reine des Violettes Hybrid Perpetual 1860 | Well worth growing as a shrub rose for its pretty violet quartered and spice-scented blooms which repeat flower. |
Renae | A repeat flowering fragrant pale pink climber with distinctive bright stamens. Light fragrance and also suited to growing on pergolas and as a stem rose. It is a vigorous healthy rose. |
Vielchenblau Multiflora rambler 1909 | Flowers once only in spring with small, scented flowers of lavender-purple which mature to bluish-lilac and fade to lilac-grey. |

Kathleen Harrop foreground Zephirine Drouhin background
Zéphirine Drouhin Bourbon 1868 | Fragrant cerise pink flowers in spring. Suited to climbing on a frame or arch, rather than against a wall, where black spot may be a problem. |